

作者:旭月(北京)科技有限公司 2020-05-18T10:39 (访问量:2022)



2016年05月13日,中国农业大学王忠义用NMT发表了标题为The calibration model in potassium ion flux non-invasive measurement of plants in vivo in situ的研究成果。

期刊:Information Processing in Agriculture

标题:The calibration model in potassium ion flux non-invasive measurement of plants in vivo in situ




NMT (Non-invasive Micro-test Technology) provides a novel electrophysiological tool which can non-invasively measure the dynamic influxes and effluxes of ions caused by the diffusion along the concentration gradients in vivo.

However, in this technique ion fluxes are converted to voltage signals using an ion selective microelectrode at a small amplitude of μV, which is easy to be interfered by the ambient noise. Hence, effective solutions to the suppression of noise and calibration of ion flux measurement system are very important for this method. A K+-selective microelectrode was constructed using liquid ion exchangers (LIX) to investigate ion transport over plant tissue.

A standard concentration gradient which simulates plant living cells was produced by an electrode with a certain tip diameter, filled with a solution containing a known K+ concentration in 100 mmol/L. An ion diffusion simulation model was established. This model evaluated the performance of ion flux measurement system in accuracy and reliability by comparing the consistency of the measured value and the predicted curve. K+ fluxes were measured within 25 minutes at each measuring point of distance 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 80, and 100 μm from the K+ source, respectively.

It can be seen that the K+ fluxes changes little, which indicates that ion fluxes measurement system has a reliable stability. The study provides a theoretical basis for a new non-invasive ion flux measurement method creation and a new sensors design.




由具有一定尖端直径的电极产生的模拟植物活细胞的标准浓度梯度,该电极填充有含有100 mmol / L已知K+浓度的溶液。建立了离子扩散模拟模型。该模型通过比较测量值和预测曲线的一致性来评估离子通量测量系统在准确性和可靠性方面的性能。在25分钟内分别在距K +源10、20、30、40、50、80和100μm的每个测量点测量K+通量。


Fig. 8. K+ flux measured at each known position (vibration amplitude Δx is 10

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